Ohai Plugin for OpenVZ VMs to get public IP Address
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
Media Temple uses the OpenVZ virtualization system and I have quite a few Media Temple servers under Chef management. The one thing that has made management difficult is that by default during a Chef run ohai returns as the default IP address which means I cannot run knife to execute commands from my workstation.
For example, when I run knife node show mydv.server.com
I get the following:
$ knife node show mydv.server.com
Node Name: mydv.server.com
Environment: production
FQDN: mydv.server.com
Kinda sucks. If try to execute on all of my MT servers, say something like knife ssh 'tags:mt' 'sudo chef-client'
I will get a ton of failed connection errors because it is trying to connect to
The solution is to get ohai to return the correct IP. OpenVZ has virtual interfaces and the actual public IP is assigned to them, while the main interface, eth0, is given the ip This ohai plugin will retrieve the correct IP.
provides "ipaddress"
require_plugin "#{os}::network"
require_plugin "#{os}::virtualization"
if virtualization["system"] == "openvz"
network["interfaces"]["venet0:0"]["addresses"].each do |ip, params|
if params["family"] == "inet"
ipaddress ip
Put this in your ohai plugins directory for chef: /etc/chef/plugins/openvz.rb and when chef runs, it will get the correct IP address.
Now when I run knife show mydb.server.com
$ knife node show mydv.server.com
Node Name: mydv.server.com
Environment: production
FQDN: mydv.server.com