mental health

software engineering



: morning jogging music 🎧

: I am working with WordPress a lot more. And so that has me thinking about WordPress a lot more. One …

: My boring regular-ass take about Linux adoption is this: it aint for everyone and that’s …

: Huh, saw a comment that said the USPS should provide email service and allocate citizens email …

: AWS has historically been pretty good for me as a hosting solution… but there are so many …

: Hmm I am writing some Go code but I have no idea if it is idiomatic Go code or even okay Go code. …

: My executive function is shot today 🤪 🚨

: TIL that you can configure apple notes to just be a body with no title. Its a small thing, but it is …

: Dont make things harder than they need to be. Make a choice. You can always make changes later. …

: Trying to setup a google workspace account this morning, and it keeps funneling me into a plan I do …

: how can we stop nagging users to subscribe to a newsletter when they have already subscribed? I …

: Today I learned that Affinity Designer has a QR Code drawing tool. What a time saver!

: I think there is a third audience to think about when doing SEO - the LLMs. So it’s not just …

: The conflict I have with SEO is that I am trying to speak to two different audiences. Trying to be …

: my order of Segfault ☕️ arrived last night that I ordered from made a pot this morning …

: love this!… It will no longer be enough to blog in order to …

: Be CI/CD agnostic. Develop your build system to operate outside of any specific CI system and you …

: If it weren’t for breakdancing and skateboarding I wouldn’t be watching the olympics …

: I quit smoking 12 years ago. When anyone asks how I did it, I usually respond that I used a …

: The more i use TailwindCSS the more I love it. Such a good tool

: If there’s a task that’s been on my todo list for a while and I can’t bring myself to do it… maybe I …

: Paqui Chips Every time my wife and I go grocery shopping, I keep an eye out for my favorite snack chip. I am …

: time for ☕️ gonna brew up some monsoon medley and do some drawing

: Golang is fun. I am not proficient with it yet, but I will be. Perfect companion language for me

: CrowdStrike It’s truly remarkable how much a failure this was from an ops perspective. Bypassing client …

: Took my time this morning on a walk with our little corgi Olive. I let her lead, basically that …

: Make buying music a thing again. I bought some records recently from Amoeba in LA and it was fucking …

: It’s funny how saying something out loud can change the energy around it, and you realize that …

: Blogging for me is also in building the blog, at least that's what I want to believe What are your goals as a blogger? I am asking that question myself and what is coming up is that …

: Rails is a joy to work with Ruby on Rails is an absolute JOY to work with

: Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree The Shadow of the Erdtree DLC, or really, the giant expansion to the base game, is so good. It feels …

: I listened to "Dr. Jonathan Haidt: How Smartphones & Social Media Impact Mental Health & the Realistic Solutions" I listened to the podcast from Huberman Labs, "Dr. Jonathan Haidt: How Smartphones & Social Media …

: RSS Club I love this idea - an experimental blog that is only available to read …

: Ruby on Rails Love In I am doing so much more Rails work on my own time and I just love this framework! I feel fast with …

: Form Objects in Ruby on Rails n Ruby on Rails, a Form Object is a design pattern used to handle the complexity of forms that …

: Variable swapping in Ruby Swapping variables is a fundamental concept in programming, often encountered in algorithm …

: Quirky Ruby Feature - Mixing Code and Data Ruby has some fun quirky features. One of them is that you can mix code and data in a single file …

: Momentum Started a new project. Super excited. All in. So much momentum and so much progress being made. Wow. …

: Addicted to Learning Watched a really fantastic video from Healthy Software Developer about how unchecked learning can be …

: How to change a Users Password via Tinker in Laravel Laravel has a pretty great console through a REPL called Tinker. From Tinker you can interact with …

: A docker based setup for testing with Laravel I experienced some annoying issues while running integration tests in a Laravel app. The official …

: Add taggable support to my personal blog Today I added taggable support to my blog. I do have blog posts tagged, but it's a simple …

: Trying to Dispatch Jobs via Tinker with Laravel and SQLite I've been learning Laravel queues and jobs. While creating some jobs I wanted a quick way to test by …

: Use Ansible to Configure your Workstation Let me show you a simple and easy way to manage your MacOS workstation using Ansible. Ansible is …